
21 December 2022

Preparation of Technical Documents for Hyderabad Metro, India

The Challenge

Hyderabad Metro Rail Limited (HMRL) has been set up for the implementation of Hyderabad Metro Rail project on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) basis in three high density traffic corridor.

This is the first PPP projects in India to be taken up by HMRL in metro. So, Manual of Specifications and Standards (MSS) and Technical Schedules of Draft Concession Agreement (DCA) needed to be reviewed by technical consultant.


Project Approach

  • HMRL appointed Balaji Railroad Systems Private Limited (BARSYL) as technical consultant to advices HMRL in review of Manual of Specifications and Standards (MSS) and Technical Schedules of Draft Concession Agreement (DCA).
  • BARSYL scope of services had been to review, comment and advice on Manual of Specifications and Standards (MSS) and Technical Schedules of Draft Concession Agreement (DCA).
  • Assisted the Authority in preparation of responses to technical queries on RFP from the bidders of the Project, had reviewed proposals received by the Authority, and extended continuous technical support until Financial Closure on all the technical documents submitted by the Concessionaire.